ISSUE 2 - Spring 1976

Within These Walls -by the Gay Left Collective
From Latent to Blatant: A personal account - by Angus Suttie
The early Homosexual Rights Movement by John Lauritsen and David Thorstad - reviewed by Jeffrey Weeks
Gays in Films - by Richard Dyer
A Commune Experience - by Keith Birch
Eros and Civilisation: An Introduction to Marcuse's Essay on Freud - by Ronald L Peck
Sheffield Incident - by John Lindsay
Ah, lesbianka! Notes on a Russian Journey -by Sue Bruley
The Gay Workers Movement - by Bob Cant and Nigel Young
Fassbinder's Fox - reviewed by Bob Cant
These articles were published in 1976. You cannot assume that the views expressed in them still represent the opinions of the authors or the men who were members of the Gay Left Collective at the time.