ISSUE 3 - Autumn 1976

Carrying on... - by the Gay Left Collective
Divided We Fall - by Nigel Young
Women in Gay Left: An Open Letter to the Collective from Sue Bruley
A Grim Tale: The IS Gay Group 1972-1975 - by Bob Cant
Was Marx Anti-Gay? - by Randal Kincaid
All Worked Up - By Gregg Blachford
Gay Community Centres
Gays and Class - by Richard Dyer
Foxed: A Critique of Fox - by Andrew Britton
Sexual Offences: Evidence to the Criminal Law Committee, NCCL Report - reviewed by Emmanuel Cooper
Working Papers in Sex, Science and Culture Vol 1 No 1 Jan 1976 - reviewed by Jeffrey Weeks
Capitalism, the Family and Personal Relationships by Eli Zaretsy - reviewed by Bob Cant
A Lasting Relationship: Homosexuals and Society by Jeremy Seabrook - reviewed by Jeffrey Weeks
Saturday Night at the Baths - reviewed by Bob Cant
These articles were published in 1976. You cannot assume that the views expressed in them still represent the opinions of the authors or the men who were members of the Gay Left Collective at the time.