ISSUE 10 - Summer 1980

Democracy, Socialism and Sexual Politics - by the Gay Left Collective
Workplace politics: Gay politics - by Nigel Young
Socialism, Feminism and Socialist Feminism - by Ros Coward
Geoff Brighton: Anatomy of a Campaign - by Peter Bradley
Gay Life Desire, Demography and Disappointment - by Mandy Merck
Gay Liberation in Central America - by David Fernbach
Dykes in the Granite City - by Caroline Airs
Groping in the dark: Growing Up Homosexual;The Joy of Gay Sex by Charles Silverstein and Edmund White; Men Loving Men by Mitch Walker - reviewed by Derek Cohen
The Hunt, Hunter and Hunted - by Lindsay Taylor
35 into the 80s - by Bob Cant
White Hero, Black Beast: racism, Sexism and the Mask of Masculinity by Paul Hoch; Homosexuality and Liberation: Elements of a Gay Critique by Mario Mieli; Army of Lovers by Rosa von Praunheim - reviewed by Jeffrey Weeks
Facing the Crisis - by Dave Landau
Acting Out: Gay Community Theatre - by Emmanuel Cooper
Nocturnes for the King of Naples by Edmund White - reviewed by Simon Watney
Who is Eddie Linden? by Sebastian Barker - reviewed by Tom Woodhouse
La Cage Aux Folle; Messidor - reviewed by Keith Birch
These articles were published in 1980. You cannot assume that the views expressed in them still represent the opinions of the authors or the men who were members of the Gay Left Collective at the time.