ISSUE 6 - Summer 1978

In The Balance - by the Gay Left Collective
The State, Repression and Sexuality - by Dennis Altman
Lesbians SplAID - by Sue Cartledge
Two Steps Forward, One Step Back: Coming Out Six Years On - by John Shiers
Julia - reviewed by Bob Cant
Homosexuality, Children and Violence - by Guy Hocquenghem, edited, translated and introduced by Simon Watney
Capitalism and the Family - reviewed by Simon Watney
Looking at Pornography: Erotica and the socialist morality - by Gregg Blachford
Working Class Lesbians - by Kay Young
Clienting: Individual solutions to collective problems - by Derek Cohen
Gays at Work: Boxed In - by John Quinn
A Cure for Psychiatry - by Chris Jones
Of Woman Born by Adrienne Rich - reviewed by Jane Lewis
Derek Jarman's Jubilee - reviewed by Nigel Young
Alexandra Kollontai: Selected Writings - reviewed by Jeffrey Weeks
Fighting Fascism - an open letter by John Shiers
These articles were published in 1978. You cannot assume that the views expressed in them still represent the opinions of the authors or the men who were members of the Gay Left Collective at the time.