ISSUE 5 - Winter 1977

Why Marxism? - by the Gay Left Collective
We're Here: Conversations with Lesbian Women by Angela Stewart Park and Jules Cassidy - reviewed by Sue Cartledge
Femininity As Alienation by Ann Foreman - reviewed by Keith Birch
The Limits of Masculinity by Andrew Tolson - reviewed by Tom Woodhouse
Politics and Ideology - by Keith Birch
The Homosexual Matrix by CA Tripp - reviewed by Phil Derbyshire
Crossroads - which way now? - by Nigel Young
How Time's Gone By: A Review of Gay Theatre - by Derek Cohen
The National Organisation of Lesbians - by Helen Bishop
Images of Homosexuality: Notes on the National Film Theatre season of gay films, July 1977 - by Paul Hallam and Ronald L Peck
Gays and Fascism - by Bob Cant
Approaches to Gay History - book reviews by Jeffrey Weeks
The Gay news Trial: Aspects and Implications - by Simon Watney
Coming Out by Jeffrey Weeks - reviewed by Ken Plummer
Socialism and the New Life by Sheila Rowbotham and Jeffrey Weeks - reviewed by Sarah Benton
These articles were published in 1977. You cannot assume that the views expressed in them still represent the opinions of the authors or the men who were members of the Gay Left Collective at the time.